Tired to use webmail? Gmail Lover?

This website tutorial will help you learn to receive your email in the Gmail, and also “Send as” your domain email eg. [email protected].

Step 1

Create a Gmail account.

Step 2

Log in to Gmail.

You will see the Gear icon  at the top right hand corner, click it and select “Settings“.

Step 3

click on “Accounts and Import” tab, find Check mail from other accounts and click “Add a mail account“.

Step 4

You will see a popup window.

Enter your email address and click “Next“.

Step 5

Just click “Next“.

Step 6

Fill in your email details.

Just tick Label incoming messages will do.

Click “Add Account“.

Step 7

Email account has been added, you can choose able to send email as your domain email or no.

But at webbit we choose Yes.

Step 8

If you choose “Yes“, you may need to fill in the “Name” and click “Next Step“.

You name and email address will be shown on mail you send.

Step 9

Enter your Email details again.

Click “Add Account

Step 10

Gmail will send a confirmation code to your company email.

Log into your web mail (usually webmail.mydomain.com or http://mydomain.com/webmail) and go through the verification

Just copy the confirmation code and paste it into the box and click “Verify“.

Step 11

Domain email added.

Now you can send and receive your company email through Gmail. 🙂

Noted: You can click “Check mail now” for the instant check email. Because Gmail sometime will take sometime to retrieve your email.


Track site search is very important when you want to know your visitor searching in your website or eCommerce site.

What is track site search?

At Webbit, we use WordPress as our clients WordPress projects, and while far from perfect, the built-in search is good enough.

When a user searches, WordPress using a URL structure as below:-


That query variable makes tracking site searches from WordPress in Google Analytics very easy.

Step 1: Log in to Google Analytics

Go to the Admin button. Find the property and select the view you want to edit.

Click on the “View Settings” link for that property.

Step 2: setup track site search setting

Once that page is loaded, scroll down and find the “Site Search Settings“. If the slider is showing “OFF“, change it to “ON“.

Step 3: Add Query Parameter

Once changed it, you see some additional menu items appear. For WordPress, it’s very simple, just enter the letter “s” in that box. They look like below here:

Step 4

That’s it, you’re good to go. Allow Google Analytics a day or so to gather up some search terms and you have data on what your users are searching for. You can  use that data to determine if you’re having navigation issues, content strategy and much more. Enjoy!